The Baby

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Tate I know I have been talking soooo much about my eldest son, the amazing three year old that has accomplished sooo much in the potty training arena. I have to say a few things about my baby boy.

I am in awe over this child and know that I will be trying to keep up with him for the rest of my life. He is a climber. Like, the kid doesn’t walk yet (buries head in sand over the steps he ran and walked randomly) and yet he climbs everything he can get his hands on. We like to go to a park that has the little play ground and the big play ground. My baby boy has shown his climbing prowess by climbing the big play ground trying to keep up with his brother that is nearly 2.5 years older than him.

He is amazing. Oh and he talks. I am not the delusional parent convinced he speaks well, he is learning and is a great mimic. He loves to try to enunciate nearly every word that he hears. makes note to clean up the music listened to around him He is amazing. Oh and he is an eater. My first son was only interested in nursing for the first full year of his life. My second? He loves to chill at the BF cafe when he can but he also wants a bite of that burger his mom is eating while nursing him. Epic.

So he is ‘nearly’ walking (I’m still not willing to say otherwise), he crawls ridiculously fast, he climbs everything he can and I’m hoping he loves a diversity of good food, so far so good. :D

I just adore my boys, adore.
