Multitasking at It’s Finest

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My mom is one of the finest multitaskers, she did fantastic job of raising my sister and I as a single parent. I watched her on numerous occasions doing a million different tasks at once and doing so with a smile. I have no idea how she did it but she did it well.

Now that I have my own little family I find myself trying to be just like my mom, if not her than just like her mom (Grandmas rock, just sayin’). I love to say those little sayings that they drilled in my mind, you know like, “Be thankful you have to wash dishes because that meant you had food to eat.”. I say these things often grumbling under my breath at first but by the time I finish the phrase I can’t help but smile.

So when I’m doing puzzles on the floor with my toddler while breastfeeding my baby and hear the dishwasher running along with the washer and dryer I can’t help but grin from ear to ear as this means that I am doing what my mom and her mom and her mom before her have done for centuries. Taking care of my kids at the best of my ability with a smile on my face. Yet I can’t help but crack up when I answer the door while breastfeeding my baby and my toddler running around my feet and seeing my mom laugh with me (I’m pretty sure she isn’t laughing at me). I learned from the best. :–)
